Ted Banks is one of the established authorities on compliance programs, as well as antitrust law. His books are a fundamental part of the compliance or antitrust libraries of corporations and law firms all over the country, and his articles provide key insights into issues of immediate concern. The books are available through Wolters-Kluwer, and for more information on obtaining copies of other publications that are not available online, contact Compliance & Competition Consultants, LLC.
Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook, T. Banks and F. Banks (editors), Pubklished by Wolters Kluwer, loose-leaf, 1052 pages + CD-ROM (2014, updated twice a year).
The text covers compliance laws and regulations, and shows you how to design, implement, manage and monitor an efficient, effective legal compliance program. It will help you identify risks, assign those risks to job descriptions, create appropriate corporate policies, establish control programs, communicate effectively and prove the effectiveness of the program.
Click for information on ordering the Corporate Legal Compliance Handbook
Distribution Law: Antitrust Principles & Practice, Wolters-Kluwer, 2 volumes, loose-leaf, Second Edition (2014, updated twice a year)
For insightful analysis and practical guidance on the antitrust issues that arise from distribution arrangements, turn to Theodore Banks. With this unique resource you’ll be able to prepare for, or even prevent, the antitrust-based disputes that all too often mar the manufacturer-distributor relationship. The text explains how to establish a sound manufacturer-distributor relationship in full compliance with federal and state antitrust law, understand enforcement factors and the effect of antitrust regulation on distributor behavior, and handle problems arising from such areas as pricing, vertical restraints, exclusivity, tying, and refusals to deal.
Click for information on ordering Distribution Law: Antitrust Principles and Practice
Selected Articles/Chapters
- What Really Should Be in General Counsel’s Skill Set, Law Technology News (Aug. 4, 2014).
- Is Your Antitrust Compliance Program Effective?, ABA Antitrust Section Compliance and Ethics Spotlight (March 2014)
- The International Law of Antitrust Compliance, 40 Denver J. Int. L. & Policy 368 (June 2012) (with J. Murphy)
- Best Practices for Compliance Programs: Results of an International Survey, with Nathalie Jalabert-Doury, Concurrences: Revue de droits de la concurrence (May 2012)
- The Trouble With Antitrust Compliance and 10 Ways to Fix It, Corporate Counsel (April 30, 2012)
- Bill Kovacic and the Global Evolution of Antitrust, Concurrences (March 2012)
- Antitrust Compliance – It’s All About the Culture, CPI Antitrust Chronicle (Feb. 2012)
- Perfect Fit? Law Technology News, with Christian Liipfert (Oct. 2011)
- Are You Ready for the Behavioral Antitrust Approach?, with U. BenOliel, 1 Bloomberg Law Quarterly 655 (2011)
- Antitrust Analysis of Category Management Practices, Category Management Antitrust Handbook, ABA Section of Antitrust Law (2010)
- The Law of Antitrust Conspiracy in Trouble, Bloomberg Law Reports: Antitrust & Trade (July 2010)
- Sentencing Commission Proposals and Business Reality: Records Management Does Matter in Compliance – and Business – Risk, Bloomberg Law Reports: Risk & Compliance (May 2010)
- Why Your Company Should Embrace Social Media, Now!, Law Technology News (May 2010).
- Are You a Competitive Wannabe? If So, the Robinson-Patman Act Probably Is Not Going to Help You, Bloomberg Law Reports: Antitrust & Trade (April 2010)
- Dominant-Firm Counseling in the Internet Era: Are You A Daredevil or A Fuddy-Duddy?, The Antitrust Counselor (ABA Antitrust SectionMarch 2010)
- Keep It Simple: Take the Perspective of Employees, Not Lawyers, Law Technology News (Feb. 2010)
- General Counsel as CCEO? Not an Obvious Answer, Compliance and Ethics Magazine (June 2009, with Joe Murphy and Catherine Finamore Henry)
- Compliance in Times of Crisis, Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics White Paper (April 2009)
- Compliance On-Screen, Compliance and Ethics Magazine (Oct. 2007, with G. Stavrou)
- Recent Trends in Internal Investigations, ACC Docket (April 2007, with S. Lassar and T. Giller), winner of Apex Award of Excellence for Feature Writing
- Getting Your Client Prepared for That Deal, 22 The Antitrust Counselor 3 (April 2005)
- The Pros & Cons of Using Computer-Based Training for Antitrust Compliance, Antitrust Compliance: Perspectives and Resources for Corporate Counselors, American Bar Assn. (2005)
- On-Line Antitrust Compliance Training (edited transcript), The Antitrust Source (Jan. 2004)
- Antitrust Liability for Category Management and Other New Merchandising Techniques: Have You Updated Your Counseling? The Antitrust Source 1 (March 2003)
- Are You Still Using the “Blunderbuss” Approach to Antitrust Compliance? ABA Corporate Counseling Report (Summer 2002)
- A Robinson-Patman Case Study, 10 Antitrust 11 (Summer 1996)
- On-Line Antitrust Forum Moderator, Counsel Connect (1993- 1998)
- Using Technology to Teach Effective Antitrust Compliance, 9 Antitrust 37 (Summer 1995)