Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute 2015
Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute 2015 – Chicago Seminar Location – May 4th-5th 9:00 am
University of Chicago Gleacher Center, 450 N. Cityfront Plaza Drive, Chicago, Il 60611. (312) 464-8787.
Why You Should Attend
Organizations face enormous legal and compliance risks, and the need for effective compliance and ethics programs to help manage those risks is greater than ever. Indeed, compliance and ethics programs should no longer be considered optional. Government expectations and standards for compliance and ethics programs have become increasingly specific, and good practices continue to evolve. In short, at no time has promoting and maintaining an ethical corporate culture been as essential for a company’s survival and success.
- Compliance and ethics expectations are no longer limited to the United States.Governments around the world are creating new guidance and expectations.
- Enforcement risks have also increased.Prosecutors all over the world aggressively attack corporate crime, as countries now pursue subjects like antitrust and bribery that were never before under the spotlight. New technology is emerging to help prosecutors discover violations.And fines keep getting bigger.
- Best practices in compliance are raising the bar of government expectations – but also provide ways for every compliance officer to do more with less and for every compliance program to function more effectively.
At the Corporate Compliance and Ethics Institute, a distinguished faculty, drawn from major corporations, academia, compliance and ethics organizations, law firms and will provide you with the tools you need to meet today’s compliance and ethics challenges. Whether you are constructing a new program or enhancing an existing one, our panels of experts will help you ensure that your company’s program satisfies government standards and best practices expectations. You’ll learn about current developments in compliance and ethics, along with practical tips on compliance and ethics risk assessments, training, auditing and monitoring, helpline and investigations procedures, board and senior management oversight of your program and program structures that work. The highly interactive format will allow you to benchmark on a real-time basis and learn best practices from your peers.
What You Will Learn
- Structuring your program so that it possesses appropriate independence and clout
- The evolving role of the Board — more active oversight and greater expectations
- Designing and conducting compliance risk assessments to obtain the most valuable information
- Mitigating the compliance risks created by social media and using social media to advance your program
- Assessing your program for effectiveness and performing effective compliance audits
- Legal and professional ethics for compliance lawyers and compliance professionals
- Investigating and managing allegations of wrongdoing
- Best practices in compliance communications and training
- Tools to help your program connect to employees of all ages – including those who spend their lives on social media sites
- Do more with less – adding value to your program despite budgetary constraints
- Global compliance expectations and best practices
Who Should Attend
The Institute will benefit anyone involved in any aspect of corporate compliance and ethics, including general counsel and other in-house counsel, compliance and ethics officers, compliance and ethics managers and other members of the compliance and ethics departments of organizations, internal audit and human resources personnel, risk managers, and outside counsel and consultants involved in advising on compliance and ethics subjects or programs.
For More information view Event Details at:
PLI Group Discounts
Groups of 4-14 from the same organization, all registering at the same time, for a PLI program scheduled for presentation at the same site, are entitled to receive a group discount. For further discount information, please contact or call (800) 260-4PLI.
PLI Can Arrange Group Viewing to Your Firm
Contact the Groupcasts Department via email at for more details.